
Ultimate, top of the line product. The QS5 feels like skiing
five inches of new powder on a corduroy base. So quiet
you can hear your heartbeat, so smooth you won't want to stop.
The QS5 offers supreme quality and unmatched ski simulation.


Big Mountain Serie

Most Popular

Perfect for beginners to experts - the ultimate top-of-the-line carving machine


World Cup Plyometric Power

Most Competitive

This top-of-the-line QS5 World Cup is aggressive, athletic and will boost your strength, speed, power, agility, coordination and balance.

The U.S. Ski Team has been using the Skier's Edge World Cup Plyometric Power year round as part of our race program. We have learned that the athletes are able to develop the anaerobic system in a very progressive way while using these sport specific components. The high intensity that the athletes are able to produce on the Skier's Edge World Cup Plyometric Power develops the anaerobic system very effectively. Overall, we see the Skier's Edge as a great tool for preparing our athletes for the intense load involved in ski racing.
Per Lundstam
U.s. Ski Team Sport Science Department
I am delighted with its beautiful, efficient design. As a Mechanical Engineer, I appreciate the top quality materials and durable components. I have enjoyed using both the All Mountain Master and the Powder/Mogul Master, which have tremendously improved my balance, coordination, and endurance...My skiing has undergone an amazing improvement since I started using the System 4!...It is easy and fun to use, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to see a quantum leap in their ski technique in the shortest possible time!
A. Harris
Aluquerque, New Mexico
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